Experience secure foreign exchange transfers with Kuveyt Türk SWIFT service! With the SWIFT platform, you can save time in international money transfers and other financial transactions.
Foreign Exchange Transfer (SWIFT) Features
- You can transfer foreign exchange all over the world with our widespread correspondent network via the SWIFT platform.
- Thanks to the SWIFT GPI system, you can make fast and easily traceable transactions with transparent fees through Kuveyt Türk.
- When making SWIFT transactions through Kuveyt Türk's digital channels:
- You can submit your change requests using the "Edit" button,
- You can make it possible for the amount to be sent back to you even if it reaches the recipient via the "Request a Refund" button,
- Thanks to the "Exchange Transfer Tracking" feature, you can instantly learn which bank the transferred amount is in and the commission of the relevant bank.
- You can initiate the cancellation process for the transaction with the "Cancel" button.
- Click for detailed information about SWIFT fees.
How Do You Make a Foreign Exchange Transfer (SWIFT)?
- You must be a Kuveyt Türk customer to make a Foreign Exchange Transfer.
- If you are the recipient of a SWIFT transfer, the sender will need the following information:
- Your account name
- Your account/IBAN
- SWIFT code of our bank: KTEFTRISXXX
- Providing your 26-digit IBAN starting with "TR" to the other party makes the SWIFT transaction faster and easier.
- If you are the sender in FX Transfer, you need the following information.
- Recipient account name
- Recipient account/IBAN
- Recipient bank name
- Receiving bank SWIFT code
- Please click here to learn the details of the Foreign Exchange Transfer process with the help of an image.
Where Can I Make a Foreign Exchange Transfer (SWIFT)?
You can use the following channels to make an Foreign Exchange Transfer:
Frequently Asked Questions about Foreign Exchange Transfer (SWIFT)
How many days does it take to complete a foreign exchange transfer via SWIFT?
If the transaction is made before 5 P.M., the FX Transfer can be completed within 2 business days. After 5 P.M., however, the average completion time is 3 days.
What happens if the SWIFT code is wrong?
If the SWIFT code is wrong, the bank will cancel the transaction and refund the sender.
Does the foreign exchange transferred via SWIFT arrive on weekends?
No, transactions through SWIFT do not occur on weekends.
Is a foreign exchange account required for SWIFT?
You do not need a foreign exchange account for SWIFT. A TRY demand account is sufficient for SWIFT.
How can I learn the SWIFT code?
You can learn your SWIFT code through Kuveyt Türk Mobile, Internet Branch, or Customer Contact.