
Platinum Account

Platinum Account

Save with other precious metals in Kuveyt Türk.

If you wish to invest your savings in platinum, Kuveyt Türk's Platinum Account is at your service! Enjoy secure investment and financial privileges while your savings grow in the Platinum Account.

About Platinum Account

The Platinum Account is a demand deposit account option for Kuveyt Türk customers who wish to invest in platinum. If you wish to earn in line with the market position and prices of platinum, the Platinum Account is ideal for you. Open a Platinum Account to expand your investment portfolio, benefit from high service standards, and enjoy financial advantages.

How to Open a Platinum Account

You can log in to the Kuveyt Türk Mobile to open a Platinum Account in minutes and invest your savings in platinum, one of the precious metals. You can also open your Platinum Account through the Internet Branch or by visiting Kuveyt Türk branches.

If you are not a Kuveyt Türk customer, you may visit our Become a Kuveyt Türk Customer page and check out the steps to become a customer.

Make plans and develop investment strategies in line with your personal finance goals and build a robust future by opening a Kuveyt Türk Platinum Account.

Details on Platinum Account

The details of the Platinum Account, which allows Kuveyt Türk customers who wish to invest their savings in platinum, are as follows:

  • You can buy and sell platinum in TRY, US dollars, or euros.
  • The platinum you buy and keep in your account is of 1000/1000 purity.
  • You can make transfers between your Kuveyt Türk Platinum Accounts.
  • You can give regular instructions to buy and sell every month or when platinum reaches a specific price.
  • You can perform trading transactions in the Platinum Account between 8:30 and 17:30 on weekdays.
  • The savings of up to 950,000 TRY in Platinum Accounts for natural persons and legal entities are under the guarantee of the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund.


Advantages of Platinum Account

The Platinum Account, which allows you to join the investment world with an extensive portfolio, has many advantages. These advantages are as follows:

  • You can buy platinum for as little as 1 TRY and benefit from its return.
  • You can earn profit whenever the value of platinum rises in the market and expand your investment portfolio.
  • In addition to TRY, you can also trade in dollars and euros.
  • You can convert the platinum you transfer to your account at the market price into TRY, dollars, or euros at the current market price at any time.
  • You can give buy and sell orders for your Platinum Account at any time. This allows you to buy or sell when platinum prices reach the price level you set.

How do I make my Platinum Account transactions?

You can perform all your Platinum Account transactions using the Kuveyt Türk Mobile. There are other ways to carry out your transactions as well. You can also make transactions through the Internet Branch, XTMs, ATMs, or Kuveyt Türk branches.

Can I transfer between Kuveyt Türk Platinum Accounts?

Yes. You can make transfers between your different Kuveyt Türk Platinum Accounts.

Is the Platinum Account under state guarantee?

The account is under the guarantee of the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund up to 400,000 TRY for natural persons and legal entities. Therefore, you do not need to worry about the security of your account.