The first and only interest-free bank in Germany and Eurozone, KT Bank AG has now opened its Cologne branch office following its Frankfurt, Berlin and Mannheim branch offices. Speaking at the opening ceremony, Mr. Ahmet Kudsi Arslan, the CEO of KT Bank AG said, “We are intending to become a bank preferred by all the customers who are sensitive over the ethical banking principles in Northrhine-Westphalia.”
An affiliate of Kuveyt Türk, the pioneering and innovative bank of Türkiye, KT Bank AG continues its stable growth in Germany with its fourth branch office in Cologne. The opening of the branch, which is strategically placed in the DITIB (Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs) Central Mosque complex, has took place on the Day of Open Mosques held on October 3 each year.
"The potential for Islamic banking in Northrhine-Westphalia (NRW) is large, considering our main target group of Turkish people and other Muslims“, says KT Bank’s Chairman of the Management Board Ahmet Kudsi Arslan. With 1.5 million, NRW has the largest Muslim population in Germany and the almost 950,000 people of Turkish descent make up the largest immigrant group in the region. Furthermore, important Turkish and German-Turkish entrepreneurs associations, Muslim religious societies, charity organizations and the most mosque communities can be found here. At our opening, we were also visited by numerous German citizens. We intend to be a bank preferred by all customers paying special attention to ethical banking principles in NRW.”
KT Bank AG offers free-of-charge current accounts, participation accounts based on the principle of profit-sharing, real estate financing, installment loans, investment loans and certified Islamic banking products and services based on ethical banking principles for individuals and corporate customers.