Kuveyt Türk will award a total of 45 thousand TL to individuals or teams who will be successful in 'Digital Banking' competition it will hold between 13-14 May. The 'Hackathon' event, in which the participants will accomplish and compete by coding their software ideas during the competition, is the first event that Kuveyt Türk will perform in this field.
Kuveyt Türk will distribute a total of 45,000 TL award to the individual competitors or teams who are entitled to enter the rank, with the idea of the Hackathon "Digital Banking" code writing competition to be held for the first time between 13-14 May. The winning project will be entitled to receive the award of 20 thousand TL, the second 15 thousand TL, the third 10 thousand TL, and the fourth and fifth 3 thousand TL.
The deadline for submitting the applications for the contest is May 4, which has been held in an effort to encourage the participants including computer programmers, graphic designers, interface designers and project managers to intensively develop software projects.
Everyone with creative ideas in the field of Digital Banking is invited
Hackathon, also known as hack days, hackfest or codefest, is an event in which participants compete with other teams by developing software projects over a certain period of time. Anyone willing to offer Hackathon different ideas in the field of Digital Banking can participate but the team must contain at least one software developer so that the ideas to be presented to the jury can be implemented. Competitors can join Hackathon either as an individual or as a team. However, the teams are required to be composed of at most four people.
Travel expenses of the competitors outside Istanbul to be borne by Kuveyt Türk!
Travel expenses for the competitors willing to join Hackathon from outside Istanbul shall be borne by Kuveyt Turk in an amount up to 200 TL per person. In order to benefit this offer, participants must first register for the event, then send an email to hackathon@kt-invent.com.tr asking for travel request. In order to receive travel payments, the competitors must submit their projects to the jury members.
Detailed info about Kuveyt Türk Hackathon event and jury members are available at http://www.kt-invent.com.tr/